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Managing your workspace

Creating a new user

Each company using Blink has a separate account, completely isolated from all other accounts. Only the Admin user can Invite new users to Blink.

  1. Click UsersGroups on bottom left corner > Users & Groups.
  2. In Users > Invite new user define the email address of the new user. The user now appears in the list of the account. There are two types of users:
    • Admin: Can invite and delete users. Admin user also has owner permissions in all the workspaces of the account.
    • Member: A member of a particular account.

Adding a member to a workspace

Only users in the account can be added as members to a workspace.

  1. Click Menu > Workspaces Settings. and select the Workspace to which you wish to add a member.
  2. In Workspace Member enter the email, name or group you wish to add. You can also use the dropdown menu to search. You can only add a member that exists in your account.
  3. Click Add. The new member now appears under Members. You can see a list of all the members of your workspace and control their permissions.

Assigning user roles

  1. In Members assign each user a role. Each member is assigned one of the following roles:
OwnerCan invite new members to the workspace, change user permissions and delete users.
ContributorCan design, edit and execute Automations.
MemberView-only permission. Cannot create or modify workspace resources and Automations. Members can execute existing Automations.

Removing a member from a workspace

You can remove a member from a workspace, only if you are the Owner.

  1. Under Members > ThreeDots > Remove. The member is removed from the workspace.

Leaving a workspace

Every workspace must have at least one owner. If you are the only owner, you must assign this role to another member before leaving the workspace.

  1. Click on the current role of a member > Owner.
  2. Click Leave.

Deleting a workspace

You can delete a workspace, only if you are the Owner.

  1. Click Delete. A dialog window opens asking you to confirm that you want to delete.
  2. Type the name of the workspace and Delete.