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File Actions

Download File From A URL

Download a file from a URL and set an identifier for it so it can be used as input in subsequent steps.


File identifierThe identifier of the file. This can be used as input for subsequent Steps.
URLAddress of the resource.
DestinationPath to which directory on the file system the contents of the given URL will be downloaded.
Show outputDisplay the content downloaded from the given URL.

Set File Variable

Set an identifier for a file on the file system so it can be used as input in subsequent Steps.


File identifierThe identifier of the file. This can be used as input for subsequent Steps.
PathThe path on the file system to read the file content from (e.g. '/example/file.txt').

Create Archive

Create an archive from a file or folder path and set an identifier for it so it can be used as input in subsequent steps.


File identifierThe identifier of the file. This will be used as input for subsequent steps.
Content PathThe file or folder path to create the archive from.
DestinationThe path in which the archive will be created. If no destination is provided, the archive will be created in the user's home path.