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Account Management

In Account Management you can find anything related your account settings as well as Blink's Security and Legal Policy.

Profile Details

Under Profile Details you can find your Blink Ops Username, Email Address as well as the options to Change Password and Enable Two Factor Authentication.

Profile Details


Please note that if you chose to login using the Google, Github, Microsoft or SSO option, you will not be provided with the option to Change Password or Enable Two Factor Authentication.

Accounts- Users and Service Accounts

An Tenant-Admin can create a service account or invite a user to an account and then immediately add the user to groups and workspaces, and define a user role. See Blink Users for more details.



Groups are used to manage groups of users, for example work teams and departments. You can attach a specific role to a group inside a workspace, thus granting access to all group members. See Blink Groups for more details.



A Blink Ops user can be assigned 1 of 3 roles. An Admin, a Builder, or a Consumer. See Blink User Roles for more details.


Workspace Management

In the Workspace Management settings you can find all your workspaces in one place making it easier to manage. You can also find all the details related to your workspaces. See Workspace Management for more details.



In the General Tab of your account settings, you can apply certain settings to your Blink Ops Account. See General Settings for more details.

General Settings

Audit Logs

The Audit Logs monitors any activity in the tenant across 3 main categories. See Audit Logs for more details.

Audit Logs

Account Security Settings

This document describes how to fill in the account's security settings. See Account Security Settings for more details.

Account Settings

Resetting your Password

Instructions about how to reset your password for your Blink Account. See Resetting your Password for more details.


This is Blink Ops security statement as well as their Privacy Policy. See Security and Legal for more details.